"The Rompetrol Internship Program 2010” came to an end

Rompetrol Rafinare, Rompetrol Petrochemicals, Rominserv and Rompetrol Quality Control, member companies of the Rompetrol Group, completed the internship program for students and pupils, which took place between August 1 and September 30. Thus, the 37 selected students will continue their activity within the Group during the next six months, through the “Trainee” program.

“During the “Trainee” module, the 37 selected participants will continue to go into the knowledge they have acquired along the two months of internship, when they were assisted by the Rompetrol specialists. They will perform more and more difficult practical activities, based on precise tasks and performance objectives established for them.” stated Bogdan Bazgan, HR Business Partner Rompetrol Rafinare.

This year, this opportunity for young people was presented in five university centres, Constanta, Bucharest, Cluj, Iasi and Ploiesti, and it resulted in the receipt of applications from over 2400 students.

The related costs (wages, accommodation, transport) were fully born by Rompetrol.

Rompetrol initiated this project in 2003, and 84 of the over 300 students and graduates, who took part to this program, became the employees of the Group.
The key objectives of the two components of the practice program, “Internship” and “Trainee”, are the discovery of talented young people, their familiarization with the organizational climate and our work concepts, and especially the putting into practice of the theoretical knowledge acquired during the years of study. During the selection phase, one has monitored the results and the involvement of the candidates along their studies, as well as their attitude and interest in developing a career.

This program aims at supporting the strategy of the Group regarding the drawing and keeping within the organization of valuable young people, who possess a growth potential, in order to accomplish the transfer of know-how between generations and the development of competences within the Group.