Rompetrol Energy was established in 2012 to implement the Cogeneration project, one of the main investment directions supported by the Kazakh-Romanian Energy Investment Fund in partnership with the Ministry of Energy through the Midia Thermal Power Plant.

The current field of activity is the production and distribution of thermal energy, demineralized water and the distribution of electricity.

After the completion and commissioning of the cogeneration plant, the production and sale of electricity will be added to the field of activity of the company. 

The cogeneration plant is a brownfield type project, where the current installations will be integrated with the new equipment.

Through the technical configuration (two high-efficiency and high-performance Siemens SGT-750 turbines and two heat recovery boilers), the new plant will generate approximately 80 MW of electricity - of which approximately 60-70 MW to fully cover the platform's electricity needs. Petromidia, technological steam of up to 180 tons / hour, plus the need for hot water for the heating system of Năvodari - up to 20 MWt / hour. The surplus electricity will be delivered to the  companies of the Group, through the national energy system.

The new plant will use 75% natural gas as its main fuel and the gas produced in the refinery will provide the difference.

The natural gas supply will be available through a new 4 km long pipeline that will be connected to two separate sources, to ensure the long-term security of the supply with natural gas. 

At the same time, the plant will allow a significant reduction in the price of electricity delivered to the Petromidia platform - by removing part of the regulatory tariffs (eg transmission and distribution tariffs), it will also support the Rompetrol Group's objectives to reduce emissions of  carbon dioxide, generated by production activities.

At the moment, the project is in the execution phase around 97% progress on the engineering side, more than 99% on the procurement side, and the actual construction is approaching 82%. In total, the general progress of the project surpassed 89%.

The construction of the cogeneration plant began in May 2021, and the works are now in an advanced stage of finalization.


Kazakh-Romanian Energy Investment Fund S.A. - 78.89%;
SC Midia S.A. Thermal Power Plant - 21.069%;
SC Rominserv S.R.L. - 0.038%.

Contact and company address:

Headquarters: Năvodari, B-dul Năvodari no. 9A, Administrative Body, et. 3, Constanța County
Tel: 0372 27 6077 - Administrative office
Fax: 0241 507 438
Email: [email protected]